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Jamaican Me Hurricane Ready, Others Should Follow
Emerging market countries must deal with a host of development issues, from social unrest to inadequate institutions and corruption. A select few face an additional natural disaster risk that can derail their development: hurricanes.
2024 EMsights Olympic Games
As world-class athletes vie for gold medals in Paris, the EMsights Capital Group is hosting its own unique competition where we celebrate standout countries in the emerging markets landscape.
The Dog Days of VRIs
Value Recovery Instruments (VRIs), also known as warrants, are instruments that provide contingent payouts to creditors under specific scenarios. They are typically structured as call options or warrants that are tied to a state variable (such as GDP or exports), which is strongly correlated with the borrower’s ability to repay debt.
Often seen as deal “sweeteners”, VRI’s expedite debt restructurings by helping bridge the expectation gap between creditors and debtors.
Coalitions, Compromises, Continuity, Chaos
Elections offer citizens the opportunity to turn the tides by prompting political, economic and social reforms. In the past week, the global stage witnessed the unfolding of three distinct electoral contests across various regions, each yielding results that may redefine the trajectories of the respective countries.
Documenting Your Dollar
Sailing Towards Reform
Dominican Republic President Abinader cruised to re-election over the weekend, winning outright in the first round of voting and avoiding a run-off. While the polls heavily telegraphed the outcome in favor of Abinader, this reaffirms the country’s commitment to growth and development.
A Fresh Perspective on Accessing Local Currency Markets
Scavenging for Treasure at the IMF Spring Meetings
Members of the emerging markets debt investment community descended on Washington DC last week for the spring IMF meetings. Over the course of the week, the EMsights team conducted over 100 meetings and actively engaged in conversations with a diverse range of government officials and representatives.
Given the sell-off in emerging markets debt year to date, we entered the week expecting a decidedly bearish mood, though we were surprised to find a rather neutral outlook overall.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of… Investment Returns
EMsights Capital Group believes that economic and political freedoms and rule of law are important precursors for the economic development, growth, education and sustainability of sovereign countries. Through our on-the-ground country visits, we follow a country’s pursuit and execution of fair and free elections, civil liberties, functioning of government, and the importance it places on economic freedom.Read More
US Treasury Reforms: The Crystal Ball for EM Traders
The SEC voted in December to require more US Treasury bonds to be centrally cleared in order to improve market resiliency, and it continues to propose major reforms to that market. These reforms are getting significant attention in the press and sparking a debate on financial news and social media platforms. Emerging markets investors might be forgiven for paying little attention to market structure developments in US Treasuries, but ignoring these developments is a mistake.