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A Q&A with Portfolio Manager Thomas Reynolds
Tom, congrats on recently celebrating your 7-year anniversary with the Artisan Partners U.S. Value team. To commemorate your time with Artisan, we have a few questions to get to know you better as an investor. You had an unconventional start to your career as you were an anthropology major in college. What was your path from anthropology to becoming a portfolio manager, and how have you been able to apply your social sciences background?
Researchers, investors, the occasional interviewees[1] and even the CEO of Artisan are often incredulous when I say my undergraduate anthropology major is a cornerstone of my daily investment process. Occasionally I get feisty and defend myself, but I often defuse the situation with what passes for humor in the investment world and move on. No more! Gillian Tett’s 2021 book Anthro-Vision: A New Way to See in Business and Life will be my public defender.
The Fed Cures Bird Flu
Laser-Eyed Focus on Value
This recent ransomware attack on America’s energy infrastructure has me concerned. Imagine the chaos if the clandestine cyberweapons market shutters America’s electrical power grid. I mean, how would Americans access their trillion dollars of crypto?!? How will I know if my friends have laser-eyed avatars and will get offended when I don’t accept bitcoin as barter for my backup generator?
The Peaceful Transition of Power?
With the US election almost officially behind us, it’s an opportune time to discuss politics. Ha! Just kidding. Let’s talk value stocks, which peacefully assumed power on November 9, 2020, with Pfizer’s vaccine announcement.
Value Versus YOLO
The pandemic has accelerated secular trends—such as the shifts to e-commerce and digital payments, social media’s dominance of advertising spend and the rise of gaming. It’s also intensifying normal cyclical fluctuations, pulling forward home improvement projects and pressuring retailers—particularly those reliant on shopping mall locations—to declare bankruptcy. None of this is terribly surprising. More likely to catch market participants’ eyes, the combination of COVID-19 and social media is amplifying the oldest cyclical phenomenon known to mankind: greed!
Risk Awareness and Downside Protection
After witnessing firsthand two massive market corrections, portfolio manager Tom Reynolds discusses his acute focus on risk management and downside protection.